Thursday, March 10, 2011


It has been recently pointed out to me that I’m an external processor. And rather than spew my problems at home, work, or to anyone that will listen, I thought it might be a good idea to reinstate ye olde blog. I stopped writing when CJ was 14 months old (notice I don’t say July 2009, because after you have a kid you cease measuring time with Caesar’s calendar and everything becomes relative to how long your precious offspring has been in this world), and then I tried to start again when he was 21 months old (February 2010), but that fizzled out too. So we can consider this my third attempt, or my triumphant return to Pammiecakes after an extended summer hiatus.

With this blog I hope to explore many themes. Themes in my life; themes like how it feels to split my time between work and home, mommy guilt, whether or not I really need a second baby, and what it’s like to deal with all of these home/family issues and be a labor and delivery nurse at the same time.

I’ll label these posts with tags, tags like PTSAHM, which will stand for part-time stay-at-home-mom, Splinched, which is how I feel when I have to split my time between work and home, and Mommy guilt, which while I could think of a cute way to label it, may as well be the title of this blog. 'Do you want seconds' will be for my second baby posts, and 'Just deal with it' will be the label I use when I attempt to talk about balancing it all.

So join me on this journey, won’t you? Join me as we explore The Chronicles of my Overexamined Life.

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